:Base host32.HLP :Title HOSTACCESS 1 Introduction to HOSTACCESS 2 Welcome=IDH_CONTENTS 2 Benefits and features 3 Benefits and features - general=Benefits_and_features 3 AutoGUI=autogui 3 Hotspots=hotspots_main 3 Customizing your keyboard=HID_CMD_CONFIGURE_KEYBOARDMAPPING 3 Connecting to multiple sessions=HID_CMD_SESSION_OPENANOTHER 3 Macros=macros 2 Windows 95 and Windows NT enhancements=Windows_enhancements 1 Basic Concepts 2 Basic concepts=basic_concepts 2 How terminal emulations work=How_terminal_emulations_work 2 What is an emulation?=What_is_an_emulation 2 What is a session?=What_is_a_session 2 What is a hotspot?=What_is_a_hotspot 2 What is a modem?=What_is_a_modem 2 TCP/IP and HOSTACCESS=TCP_IP_and_HOSTACCESS 1 How to 2 How to use HOSTACCESS=Using_HOSTACCESS 2 Quick Start=Quick_Start 2 Starting and exiting 3 Starting and exiting from HOSTACCESS=Starting_and_exiting_from_HOSTACCESS 3 Starting HOSTACCESS in Windows 3.1x=Starting_HOSTACCESS_in_Windows_3_1x 3 Starting HOSTACCESS in Windows 95=Starting_HOSTACCESS_in_Windows_95 3 Exiting HOSTACCESS=HID_CMD_SESSION_EXIT 2 Sessions 3 Sessions=HID_CMD_SESSION 3 Creating and configuring a new session=Creating_and_configuring 3 Creating a new session with HOSTACCESS running=HID_CMD_CONFIGURE_SESSION 3 Creating a session without HOSTACCESS running (HOSTACCESS 7 users only)=Creating_a_session_without_HOSTACCESS_running_HOSTACCESS_7_users_only 3 Opening a session=HID_DLG_OPEN_SESSION 3 Saving a session=Saving_a_session 3 Saving a session under a different name=hid_dlg_saveas_session 3 Connecting to a session=connecting_to_a_session 3 To AutoConnect=HID_DLG_SESSION_AUTOCONNECT 3 Disconnecting from a session=disconnecting 3 Connecting to more than one session=HID_DLG_OPENANOTHER_SESSION 2 Editing 3 Editing=HID_DLG_SYSTEM_EDITING 3 The Edit menu=HID_CMD_EDIT 3 OLE support in HOSTACCESS 7=OLE_support_in_HOSTACCESS_7 3 Configuring editing=HID_CMD_CONFIGURE_EDITING 3 Editing styles=editing_styles 3 Backpages=backpages 3 Using the Command Stack=HID_DLG_SYSTEM_COMMANDSTACKER 3 Special keys=HID_CMD_SPECIALKEY 2 Printing 3 Printing=HID_DLG_SYSTEM_PRINTING 3 Print setup=HID_DLG_PRINTSETUP 3 Printing the active screen=HID_DLG_PRINTSCREEN 3 Echoing to the printer=echoing 3 Configuring Printing=HID_CMD_CONFIGURE_PRINTING 2 File transfer 3 File transfer between PC and Host=HID_DLG_SYSTEM_STARTFILETRANSFER 3 Starting file transfer=HID_CMD_SYSTEM_STARTFILETRANSFER 3 Multiple file transfers=Multiple_file_transfers 3 Configuring file transfers=HID_CMD_CONFIGURE_FILETRANSFER 3 File transfer parameters=File_transfer_parameters 3 Control characters used=Control_Characters_Used 2 Modem connections 3 Modem connections=HID_DLG_SYSTEM_MODEM 3 Connecting to a modem in HOSTACCESS 7=Connecting_to_a_modem_in_HOSTACCESS_7 2 Customising the system 3 Customising the system=Resetting_the_system 3 Resizing the screen 4 Resizing the screen=resize 4 Ultimising the screen=HID_CMD_SYSTEM_USEFULLSCREEN 4 Configuring the toolbar=HID_CMD_CONFIGURE_VIEWTOOLBAR 4 Configuring the status bar=HID_CMD_CONFIGURE_VIEWSTATUSBAR 4 Resetting the screen=HID_CMD_SYSTEM_RESETSCREEN 3 Resetting the network=HID_CMD_SYSTEM_RESETNETWORK 2 Keyboard mapping 3 Configuring the keyboard=HID_DLG_TERMINAL_KEYBOARD 2 Screen attributes 3 Configuring screen attributes=CONFIGURE_ATTRIBUTES 3 Changing attribute color settings=HID_DLG_TERMINAL_ATTRIBUTES 3 Using auto sculpture=using_Auto_Sculpture 3 Flash=Flash 3 Underline=Underline 2 Adjusting emulation colors 3 Adjusting emulation colors=HID_DLG_TERMINAL_COLOUR 2 Selecting fonts 3 Selecting fonts=HID_DLG_TERMINAL_FONT 2 Configuring the terminal 3 Configuring the terminal=HID_DLG_TERMINAL_TERMINAL 2 Journal facilities 3 The journal=HID_CMD_CONFIGURE_JOURNAL 3 Viewing the journal=HID_CMD_CONFIGURE_VIEWJOURNAL 3 Configuring the journal=HID_DLG_SYSTEM_JOURNAL 2 Configuring networks and emulations 3 Session setup overview=HID_DLG_SESSION_SETUP 3 Network connections 4 Network connections=HID_DLG_SESSION_NETWORK 3 Emulations 4 Emulations=HID_DLG_SESSION_EMULATION 2 User interface 3 User interface=user_interface 3 The menu bar=hid_menu_bar 3 Minimize button=hid_minimise 3 Maximize button=hid_maximise 3 Border=hid_border 3 Control box=hid_control_box 3 Scroll bars=hid_scroll_bars 3 Application area=hid_application_area 3 Title bar=hid_title_bar 3 Main toolbar=hid_toolbar 3 Test file navigation toolbar=testfiletoolbar 3 Record macro toolbar=macrotoolbar 3 Status bar=hid_status_bar 3 Help=hid_cmd_help_using 3 Tooltips=tooltips 1 Advanced topics 2 Advanced HOSTACCESS=Advanced_HOSTACCESS 2 Macros 3 Using macros=Using_macros 3 Recording a macro=HID_CMD_SYSTEM_MACRORECORD 3 Writing a macro=WRITING_A_MACRO 3 Starting a macro=HID_CMD_SYSTEM_STARTMACRO 3 Editing a macro=HID_DLG_SYSTEM_EDITMACRO 3 Macro commands=Macro_Commands 2 OLE automation 3 OLE automation=OLE_Automation 3 VBA example=VBA_Example 2 File Transfer between UNIX and DOS 3 File Transfer between UNIX and DOS=unix_dos 3 Uploading the File Transfer Programs=uploading 3 Transferring From DOS to UNIX=dos_to_unix 3 Transferring From UNIX to DOS=unix_to_dos 3 File Transfer Options=transfer_options 3 Examples of Multiple File Transfers=multiple_transfers 2 IND$FILE file transfer 3 IND$FILE file transfer=IND_FILE_file_transfer 3 Using IND$FILE from the command line=Using_IND_FILE_from_the_command_line 3 Using IND$FILE from the menu=Using_IND_FILE_from_menu 2 Hotspots 3 Hotspots=Hotspots_main 3 Hotspots in block mode emulations 4 Hotspots in block mode emulations=Hotspots_in_Block_mode_emulations 3 Hotspots in asynchronous mode emulations 4 Hotspots in asynchronous mode emulations=Hotspotsin_asynchronous_mode_emulations 4 Hotspot reference table=Hotspot_reference_table 4 Editing the ha7ehot.ini file=Editing_the_hotspot_ini_file 1 Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting=Troubleshooting 2 Technical support=Technical_support 2 Running HOSTACCESS on a Network=Running_HOSTACCESS_on_a_Network 2 General Use=General_Use 2 Connections: Asynchronous 3 Connections: Asynchronous=Connections_Asynchronous 2 Connections: Network 3 Connections: Network=Connections_Network 2 Protocol setup tips 3 Protocol Setup Tips=Protocol_Setup_Tips 1 Systems administration reference guide 2 Systems administration reference=Systems_administration 2 Traces 3 Making a trace=making_a_trace 3 Replaying a trace=replaying_a_trace 3 Test file options=Test_file_options 2 Command line options 3 Command line options=HOSTACCESS_startup_command_line_options 3 Using command line options with WordBasic=Command_line_examples 3 Using command line options with Netscape=command_line_options_with_Netscape 2 DDE 3 DDE=DDE 3 DDE server support=dde_server_support 3 DDE request - requesting data from a HOSTACCESS session=dde_request 3 DDE poke - sending data to a HOSTACCESS session=dde_poke 3 Executing macros from a DDE client=Executing_macros_from_a_DDE_Client 3 DDE example=dde_example 3 DDE Word 6/95 macro example=DDE_Word_6_95_Macro_example 3 DDE Word 97 macro example=DDE_Word97_Macro_example 2 Foreign character support 3 Foreign character support=Foreign_Character_Support 3 Host Character Code over-ride mechanism - background information=Host_Character_Code_over_ride_mechanism_background_information 3 Using the host code mapping mechanism=host_code_mapping 3 Host code mapping example=Host_code_mapping_example 1 Running HOSTACCESS in a Web Browser 2 Introduction=web_browser_intro 2 Overview 3 Web to Host Connectivity=Web_to_Host_Connectivity 3 User benefits of Web to Host Connectivity=User_benefits 2 Web Server Setup 3 Registering the mime type of the .ses file on an NT server=Registering_the_mime 2 Using Web Enabled HOSTACCESS 3 Embedding HOSTACCESS in Microsoft's Internet Explorer 3.02 or 4.0=Embedding_HOSTACCESS_1 3 Embedding HOSTACCESS in Netscape v3.0 or above=Embedding_HOSTACCESS_2 2 Multi Session Manager 3 Multi Session Manager=MSM 3 Using MSM=Using_MSM 2 Known Issues 3 Known Issues=Known_Issues 3 General Issues=General_Issues 3 Browser-specific issues - with Netscape Navigator=with_netscape_issues 3 Browser-specific issues - with Microsoft Internet Explorer=with_explorer_issues 3 MSM specific issues - Pixel's Multi session Manager=msm_issues 2 Frequently Asked Questions 3 Is the Web enabled version of HOSTACCESS the same as the earlier version of HOSTACCESS?=faq1 3 Is the Web enabled version of HOSTACCESS as secure as the earlier HOSTACCESS?=faq2 3 Can the Web enabled version of HOSTACCESS be used for Internet access to host systems?=faq3 3 What environment is the Web enabled version of HOSTACCESS best suited for?=faq4 3 Which web browser can I use with this HOSTACCESS?=faq5